Re-imagining the Garden City. C.F. Møller. Photo: WyrdTree

Re-imagining the Garden City

Ideas competition for a 45ha large masterplan, based on a re-imagination of the principles behind the Garden City Movement, emphasising a sustainable and caring community.
 Re-imagining the Garden City. C.F. Møller. Photo: WyrdTree


Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation


Letchworth Garden City, UK


45 ha, 900 Dwellings


2019, Competition

Client consultant

RIBA Competitions


C.F. Møller Architects

  • WLA Award - Concept Analysis & Planning. 2020
  • World Landscape Architecture 2020 Award of Excellence. 2020
  • Winner phase I in international competition, finalist phase II. 2019

Letchworth Garden City is the original Garden City based on the principles developed by Ebenezer Howard and given form by the architects Berry Parker & Raymond Unwin. In the spirit of the original Garden City the proposal hopes to plant the seed for the social interaction that creates a healthy and socially sustainable community where people care for one another and for the landscape.

Landscape as strategic pivot point

The masterplan is focused on a modern interpretation of the ‘Hamlet’ and is developed from the inside out; from the smallest residential scale to the larger hamlet scale.

Landscape is a key catalyst for the masterplan and has informed all strategic design decisions and the framework of the new masterplan is built around links and synergies between productive, performance and amenity landscapes. A wild landscape surrounds the masterplan, providing shelter from noise and wind whilst enhancing the sense of enclosure and biodiversity. The new parkway takes advantage of the existing hedgerows and connects the site to Letchworth Garden City, providing different activities along the way.

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