Jens Rex, Head of Landscape and Urbanism at C.F. Møller Architects in Denmark. - New Head of Landscape & Urbanism at C.F. Møller Architects: City and Landscape Belong to all of us - C.F. Møller. Photo: C.F. Møller Architects
C.F. Møller Architects in Denmark is behind the future development of the city Randers as a city in close interaction with its surrounding nature and the Gudenå River, with a focus on climate adaptation. - New Head of Landscape & Urbanism at C.F. Møller Architects: City and Landscape Belong to all of us - C.F. Møller

New Head of Landscape & Urbanism at C.F. Møller Architects: City and Landscape Belong to all of us

Citizen engagement, climate challenges, and social sustainability are focus areas of the new Head of Landscape & Urbanism at C.F. Møller Architects in Denmark.


- Landscape and urban design have a huge strength in being an area that can address many issues in our society. And there are climate challenges that we need to adress, from energy to waste, to rainwater and seawater," says Jens Rex, who started as the new Head of Landscape & Urbanism at C.F. Møller Architects in Denmark on 1 February.

Jens Rex, Head of Landscape and Urbanism at C.F. Møller Architects in Denmark. - New Head of Landscape & Urbanism at C.F. Møller Architects: City and Landscape Belong to all of us - C.F. Møller. Photo: Silas Andersen

Jens Rex's main ambition is to continue working with C.F. Møller's green profile and address the circular economy and the way we use materials in construction projects. In projects Jens Rex has been part of in the past, integrated activities in landscape design and social sustainability have also been in focus. As examples he mentions the projects Sønæs in Viborg, Climate and development plan in Hou, and Troldhedestien in Kolding.


- When you do urban and landscape designs, I like to include activities in the application. The three projects have this in common. They are sites with nature experiences for everyone, says Jens Rex.


In the development of Troldhedestien, various citizens with special needs were involved and came with input for the project. Afterwards, an association was established, consisting of these very citizens, who now maintain the area with great commitment and ownership:

- The project Troldhedestien is a very good example of a socially sustainable project. In addition to being very well visited and having activities for everyone, the area is maintained by committed people with a special connection to the project's development phase, says Jens Rex - and according to him, the best thing about the project is that there is no focus on it being about social inclusion:

- I think it's great because it's not everything that needs to be spelled out. If you're dealing with groups that have a hard time in society, you risk widening the gap by being very vocal about it.


At C.F. Møller, Jens Rex brings his experience with citizen involvement:

- We need to remember that the city and the landscape belong to all of us. From our desks, we can't always figure out what people want. That's why we need to pay even more attention to value-adding citizen participation that delivers qualitative outputs.

Solna station in Stockholm is an important public transport hub in the city, where C.F. Møller Architects in Stockholm is creating an attractive, sustainable and vibrant urban environment around it. - New Head of Landscape & Urbanism at C.F. Møller Architects: City and Landscape Belong to all of us - C.F. Møller. Photo: C.F. Møller Architects

Competences across borders

The good architecture and the Nordic heritage that C.F. Møller stands for attracted Jens Rex Christensen:

- C.F. Møller has delivered good projects over several years. And C.F. Møller is a large architectural firm with projects that extend beyond the country's borders. There will be a lot of work across the offices. So, I want to investigate the way things are done elsewhere. What are the differences from Aalborg to Stockholm, for example? And how can we learn from each other?


In addition to six offices in the Nordic countries, C.F. Møller also has offices in Berlin and London.


- We have become much better at digital collaboration in recent years. We definitely need to use this to see potentials and competences across C.F. Møller's departments that are valuable to mix in project collaborations. I look forward to exploring this further," says Jens Rex.


Jens Rex has a degree in urban design from Aalborg University, and 13 years of experience as an architect. On 1 February he started at C.F. Møller Architects as Head of Landscape & Urbanism in Denmark at the headquarters in Aarhus.

Jelmar Brouwer, Head of Landscape at C.F. Møller Architects in Sweden. - New Head of Landscape & Urbanism at C.F. Møller Architects: City and Landscape Belong to all of us - C.F. Møller. Photo: Mårten Lindquist

Landscape & Urban Design in C.F. Møller Architects

In addition to the landscape department at the headquarters in Aarhus, C.F. Møller also has landscape architects in Aalborg, Copenhagen, Stockholm, and London. In Sweden, Jelmar Brouwer is Head of Landscape. In the Stockholm and Malmö offices, they have increased the number of employees to their landscape department:

- Over the last four years we have built a very competent team in Stockholm, which is now a landscape department of eight people working on a wide range of projects. Thanks to an ever-increasing number of assignments, we have managed to establish a department in Sweden and are ready to take the next step, and we are therefore very pleased that Jens has become part of C.F. Møller. I look forward to our collaboration in further developing Landscape & Urbanism, and creating creative and innovative future solutions together.


The office in Stockholm is behind Gårdsvägen Solna, Fiskätra Multisports Court and Danderyds Hospital where C.F. Møller has designed the building as well as the square, streets and courtyards surrounding the hospitals.


- Our strengths and working methods are based on C.F. Møller's values and long experience of projects around the Nordic region, which we have transferred to the Swedish market," continues Jelmar Brouwer.


The department in Aalborg is behind the Aalborg Harbour Front and the current project Stigsborg Harbour Front.


In Copenhagen, they work with projects in Belgium and Norway, and at C.F. Møller's London office they are currently working on projects in London and Ireland.


Current projects in Aarhus are a new landscape concept for Danevirke and the project River City Randers - City to the Water, which both creates climate protection and brings Randers and the city's citizens into closer contact with the Gudenå River.


Characteristic of all C.F. Møller Architects’ landscape and urbanism departments is that they solve both independent urban and landscape development projects and concepts related to C.F. Møller's building projects, with the common focal point always being to think of landscape and buildings as a whole.

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