Stavtrup multi-purpose hall. C.F. Møller

Stavtrup multi-purpose hall

The residents of Stavtrup are brought closer together in a new multi purpose hall, which simply and rationally binds all the functions of the hall together and gives users and visitors a distinct sense of being gathered under one roof.
 Stavtrup multi-purpose hall. C.F. Møller


Stavtrup IF


Stavtrup, Danmark


4.500 m²




1. Preis im Architektenwettbewerb. 2017


C.F. Møller Architects


C.F. Møller Architects

  • 1. Preis im Architektenwettbewerb. 2017

The hall's functions are tied together by three architectural elements – the floor, the roof and the visible construction. The elements continue from one end of the hall to the other, which gives a clear sense of connection.

In the ground floor of the hall you will find a small hall, large hall, changing rooms and café. The small hall and the café are openly connected with each other, separated only by a sculptural climbing wall. The large hall is connected to the small hall and is clearly visible from the arrival area. Together with the three continuous elements – the floor, the roof and the visible construction – it is this close connection between the hall's various functions, which gives the special feeling of being gathered under one roof.

On the first floor you will find the fitness room as well as meeting rooms and club rooms, where through a glass wall you can watch what is going on in the small hall. There is also a view over the outdoor football areas, where a large roof terrace serves as a grandstand.

The hall spans the entire site, which means that it is in direct contact with all outdoor facilities. On one side of the hall are the football pitches and on the other is an activity area with smaller multi-purpose sports pitches, running track and outdoor fitness area. A roof overhang creates a covered edge zone around the entire building, which helps to blur the distinction between inside and outside. The edge zone is adapted to the adjacent functions with, for example, an outdoor café area by the café and a boot wash and bench for changing footwear between the football pitches and the changing rooms.

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