Democratic Design - C.F. Møller

Democratic Design

Democratic Design focuses on the relationship between people and the built environment, and contributes to the development of projects based on social sustainability and a democratic approach to co-creation, responsibility and inclusion. The department has an interdisciplinary approach and combines competences in architecture, urban planning and anthropology.


There is a growing awareness of the quality and sustainability of the relationships we create between people and their environment. Organised objectives such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals and sustainability certifications require us to consider and actively work with this, but also in the general public debate about the design of our cities and buildings, there is an increased focus on communities, sustainability, inclusion and co-creation.

Democratic Design - C.F. Møller. Photo: C.F. Møller Architects


With Democratic Design C.F. Møller Architects offers an expertise that complements, supports and collaborates with other expertise across offices and countries. Services range from principles and concepts for implementing social sustainability, analysing existing behaviours and relationships, collecting data and assessing impact, to facilitating citizen participation and co-creation processes.


Common to the range of services is a fundamental ambition to add meaning and value to our cities and buildings. Combined with our strong professional and architectural tradition, this multidisciplinary perspective supports our overall vision: 'Improve Life for People and Planet'.


The Social Value Map

Business Inquiries - Democratic Design

Cecilie Marie Busk
Head of Democratic Design, DGNB Consultant for urban districts, Architect maa


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