EIA report for Aarhus Light Rail Line. C.F. Møller. Photo: C.F. Møller

EIA report for Aarhus Light Rail Line

Aarhus will be the first danish city to implement a light rail network. The environmental-friendly, collective traffic form has become a part of many cities in recent years, because the light electric trains easily can adapt to existing urban context.
 EIA report for Aarhus Light Rail Line. C.F. Møller. Photo: C.F. Møller


Letbanesekretariatet, Region Midt


Aarhus, Danmark


30 km, 21 stops




Cowi A/S


Niras (environmental) Grontmij|Carl Bro (technical)


C.F. Møller Architects


C.F. Møller Architects

C.F. Møller Architects won the commission to prepare design and landscape guidelines, to asses the impact of tracks, masts and stations in the urban realm and open landscape.

The EIA report describes a new line from Marselis Boulevard via Aarhus Central Station, the harbourfront and Randersvej to Skejby, and further on past Lisbjerg to Lystrup. An infrastructural intervention of this scale provides a unique potential to re-think and connect vital urban development zones, and create a better urban realm. The guidelines include visual and aesthetic analysis of urban spaces and landscapes along the new line, and proposals for new layouts and terrain adaptations.

The report also contains design proposals for tracks, masts, wiring, stations, platforms, urban furnishing and bridges. The aim of these designs is to uncover the potential for better urban spaces and design qualities in the public realm, and how overall design principles can be combined with site-specific adaptations and elements.

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