The Aarhus Art Building, extensions. C.F. Møller. Photo: Torben Eskerod

The Aarhus Art Building, extensions

The Aarhus Art Building, built in 1917, was designed in the national-classical style by the well-known Danish architect Høeg-Hansen. The complex, which is surrounded by a park, is composed of geometric elements: two rectangular buildings and an octagonal building.
 The Aarhus Art Building, extensions. C.F. Møller. Photo: Torben Eskerod


Århus Kunstbygning


Aarhus, Danmark


150 m² (1993), 800 m² (2003)


1993, 2003


Abrahamsen & Nielsen A/S (1993), Niras (2003)


C.F. Møller Architects


Naturforvaltningen, Aarhus Kommune

  • Aarhus Municipality Architecture Award. 2003
  • Aarhus Kommunes Arkitekturpris. 1993

The two extensions have been designed with respect for the geometry and the park. The first extension has been created in the space between the original exhibition hall and a newly-built wall shaped like part of a circle. The exhibition area is illuminated by a skylight. The other extension has been built beneath the grassy surface, but reveals itself above ground in the form of several geometric designs: a glass cube and two glass walls. The glass provides a skylight for a large underground exhibition hall. Above ground, the space is utilised for a sculpture courtyard which extends the exhibition possibilities of the location.

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