Holiday Cottage Beck. C.F. Møller

Holiday Cottage Beck

The holiday cottage is situated in Holmslands Klit by the Danish west coast - a rough and windy area, which, at the same time, is a soft and undulating landscape with dunes in white, grey and green colors, broken off by windswept pine trees.
 Holiday Cottage Beck. C.F. Møller


Ulla og Christian Beck


Haurvig, Danmark


169 m²




OBH Rådgivende Ingeniør A/S


C.F. Møller Architects

The house is built among the dunes with form, plan and materials that arise out of the harsh and beautiful dune landscape. Aiming at creating shelter and at the same time access to sun and views of the landscape, the design is simple and consists of two separate wings and a relaxation/sheltered courtyard between them.

The idea with both open and closed shelter and viewing courtyards has references to the traditional holiday home in Kandestederne.

The four gates to the courtyard both frame the view and provide control over the wind. The facades and roofs are in cedar.

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