Villa Alstrup. C.F. Møller. Photo: Helene Høyer Mikkelsen

Villa Alstrup

Villa Alstrup by the Wadden Sea has everything an exclusive villa should offer, but it is also sustainable. The villa is an energy-plus house, which means that it produces more electricity and heat than it uses. The energy is harvested from nature with the help of solar thermal collectors, solar panels and a geothermal heat plant.
 Villa Alstrup. C.F. Møller. Photo: Helene Høyer Mikkelsen


Nis Alstrup


Esbjerg, Denmark


311 m²




Tækker Rådgivende Ingeniører a/s


C.F. Møller Architects

The building, which is designed on the basis of the 'passive house' principle, is compact in form, with large windows facing the view to the south-west, which is also the best angle at which to make optimal passive use of the sun's heat.

The house is self-sufficient in electricity and heat through the use of solar and geothermal energy. In the spirit of the project, it is built from environmentally-sustainable materials such as paper granules, which is a recycled product. The house is designed to require minimal maintenance; the facade, for example, is clad in fibre cement, to withstand the local Wadden Sea climate. This will help to increase the building’s sustainability over time.

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