Ålgård City Centre. C.F. Møller. Photo: Dronninga Landskap

Ålgård City Centre

Ålgård in the municipality of Gjesdal south of Stavanger is nearing 10,000 inhabitants. The town has therefore reached a size where there is an opportunity to develop a proper town centre. C.F. Møller was among the companies to take part in the municipality's competitive dialogue and have since designed the local development plan which will transform the centre of Ålgård to a proper town, while also retaining the local community's unique character and landscape.
 Ålgård City Centre. C.F. Møller. Photo: C.F. Møller Architects in collaboration with Haugen/Zohar Arkitekter and Dronninga landskap


Gjesdal kommune


Ålgård, Norge


22 ha




1st prize in competition. 2013


C.F. Møller Architects in collaboration with Haugen/Zohar Arkitekter


C.F. Møller Architects in collaboration with Dronninga landskap

Weitere Kooperationspartner

Transportøkonomisk institutt Vista Analyse AS Erichsen & Horgen AS

  • Statens pris for byggkvalitet (Staatlicher Baupreis). 2019
  • 1st prize in competition. 2013

The proposal designs an urban centre based on the principle that 'Everything is close to everything', so that as many functions as possible are available within a short distance. Therefore compact, high buildings have been designed, to give a striking architectural impression, and more life in the town, whilst reducing traffic, and retaining Ålgård's attractive landscape areas. In parallel with the more populated town centre a large number of green areas have been developed, contributing to a rich natural diversity and providing the inhabitants with opportunities for a healthy lifestyle.

The landscape planning for the new town centre takes its origin from the town's original hub: the Figgjoelva river. The watercourse will be led into the centre of Ålgård, so that it once again becomes a riverside town, with scope for a multifaceted, lively urban centre.

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