ARC Amager Resource Centre - workplace design. C.F. Møller. Photo: Kontraframe

ARC Amager Resource Centre - workplace design

Set in a flat landscape, a monumental building rises and creates a strong contrast to its surroundings. This contrast is carried through into the ARC's administration section. Here, a diverse staff of administrative and operational employees meet in an office environment where the human scale and warm materials contrast with the industrial aesthetic of the huge building.
 ARC Amager Resource Centre - workplace design. C.F. Møller. Photo: Kontraframe




Copenhagen, Denmark


4,000 m²



Client consultant

C.F. Møller Architects


Workplace Design: C.F. Møller Architects

Workplace Design

Design consultancy for the fit-out of ARC's administrative areas, including reception, canteen, meeting facilities and office floors.

Preparation of scenarios for the spatial organisation of the section and determination of the location of lightweight inner walls around meeting rooms and offices. In the spatial organisation, layers were used to create small and more intimate nooks and crannies as a response to the huge scale of the building and to make the façade and canteen accessible throughout the day to relieve the pressure on open work areas and meeting rooms.

Development of a design concept where furnishings and surfaces should convey a narrative of sustainability, which is essential to ARC's identity, based on the themes of Robustness, Reuse and Variation. Detailed design of all areas based on selected design parameters that set specific requirements for the tendering process. Realisation of subsequent supplier tenders and negotiations.

The furniture created a link between the industrial and the natural, and with workstations located at the highest point of the building, the office furniture was chosen for its skyline expression. Meeting rooms and support facilities were furnished with furniture that was flexible, durable, or easily degradable and with warm, eye-catching colours to break up the industrial materials of the process hall.

Plant and foil project, where plants were selected specifically for the building, with associations to the forested areas of Danish nature and where the cloud-like expression of the foil referred to the high scale. The plants were placed in bags to create a soft meeting with the hard concrete.

Preparation of location plans for the placement of the organisation's administrative staff.

Process Consultancy & User Involvement

Preparation of process design for the process leading up to commissioning. Facilitation of steering group meetings and project group meetings, as well as involvement of the management team via dialogue meetings.

Organisation of steering group meetings where the importance of sustainability for ARC was clarified. Facilitation of workshops based on DGNB's three parameters to ensure that the desire for sustainability was implemented in a meaningful way.

Data collection and implementation of needs analysis based on the prior involvement process, as well as registration of existing conditions.

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