Ravnsbjerg church. C.F. Møller. Photo: Torben Eskerod

Ravnsbjerg church

In relation to its surroundings, the church asserts itself not through size but through its weight and characteristic form. Its massive effect is accentuated by the deep cuts which separate the bell tower from the church building and by the deep embrasure over the large round window.
 Ravnsbjerg church. C.F. Møller


Viby Sogns menighedsråd Grøfthøjparken 18260 Viby


Aarhus, Denmark


1,000 m²




Børge Werner Rådgivende Ingeniør A/S


J. Arevad-Jacobsen


Erik Heide

The church lies atop a hill still not built up on the east slope, and its distinctive form is visible from afar. But the church also constitutes a part of a small town centre with one-storey stores and children's institutions. From the little square the church appears quite low, in harmony with the small dimension of the square.

In the church’s interior the proportions, daylight and form and layout of the furnishing combine to create a solemn atmosphere. The inner walls of red brick, similar to the exterior, lend the space a certain warmth and austerity. The large 5 meter circular window opening projects daylight onto the altar and pulpit, and highlights the large wooden cross by the sculptor Erik Heide.

The organ is integrated into the space in a niche carved out of the brick mass of the walls, and the floors are red terracotta tiles. The roof and supporting structure are exposed timber. The construction of the building is very simple but the great dimensions of the brick walls and timber structures give them a special architectural significance.

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