Trelleborg Business Connection. C.F. Møller

Trelleborg Business Connection

A sustainable and innovative district where integrated landscape design and smart circular systems contribute to a strong international brand for Trelleborg.
 Trelleborg Business Connection. C.F. Møller


Trelleborg Port


Trelleborg, Sweden




C.F. Møller Architects


C.F. Møller Architects

Collaborators, other

Tyréns, Tillväxtverket

When Trelleborg's port moved, the need arose for a new ring road and new functions for registering and organising the amount of trucks coming into the area. It also meant an opportunity to create a new neighbourhood in the old port area.

C.F. Møller Architects has designed Business Connection Trelleborg with the vision of a multifaceted and sustainable meeting place, characterised by smart circular systems and landscape design. New platforms for knowledge-intensive activities and business will find their place in the area. The interaction between the different businesses and functions creates the prerequisites for an innovative and bio-based circular economy. Business Connection Trelleborg will create frameworks for a future Business Centre where intrapersonal encounters are the key to sustainable innovation and a strong international brand for Trelleborg.

A holistic environmental concept

A carbon-neutral and holistic environmental concept is an important aspect of the vision for Business Connection Trelleborg. Large-scale forest plantations are intended to strengthen biodiversity, protect rivers and contribute to carbon neutrality. Rainwater, wastewater and waste will also be used. Water is led through open ditches to purification basins and is then used to water large greenhouses. Sustainable materials such as solid wood and steel are prioritized as they can be reused in batches and are easily recycled.

Where possible, green roofs with wind turbines and solar panels will be installed. Sites and buildings for energy production and recycling are included as a natural part of the functions in the area. In order to increase the use of environmentally friendly transport, routes for environmentally friendly public transport and light freight traffic have been prioritised.

An embankment along Riksväg 9 will integrate adjacent areas with Business Connection Trelleborg. The embankment is an urban landscape element, but also part of the infrastructure. It forms an attractive link with the residential area in the south, and the residents can walk and cycle on top of the embankment. Special vantage points along the embankment will create visual contact with the coast and the hinterland.

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