
Aviapolis Core

Masterplan that creates the world's first 100% walk-friendly connection between an international airport, nature and urban city functions.

Guldborgsund Harbour City

A new master plan for the harbour in Nykøbing Falster unites the town and the sound, Guldborgsund, and transforms the industrial harbour into a living district with housing, cultural life, and urban spaces with integrated flood protection.

River City Randers - City to the Water (Development Plan)

The development plan adapts the future of Randers to the environment, connects the city with the water and develops the attractive areas between the medieval city centre, the river Gudenå and Randers Fjord into a unique city borne of the river.

Aalborg Waterfront

Masterplan for Aalborg Waterfront, re-establishing the link between the strait and the city's medieval centre with a promenade.

The new SIMAC, Masterplan

A new masterplan for Svendborg harbour connects the city and the harbour with a new vibrant environment with business, education, recreation and climate protection.

Energy, Climate and Environmental Park

A unique amalgamation of energy production, water purification, resource recycling and climate management, designed as a public, recreational learning landscape

CeresByen, masterplan and area plan

Transformation of the former Ceres Brewery site in central Aarhus into a mixed-use urban area with commerce, housing, education, cultural spaces and urban park.

Carlsberg City, masterplan

C.F. Møller has developed and adapted part of the Carlsberg Citys original masterplan, to bring it in line with current needs and requirements.

Bergen ByArena and Development Plan for Nygårdstangen

State-of-the-art multi-arena in the centre of Bergen with capacity for 12,000 guests. The arena and conference hotel are an integral part of the Nygårdstangen development plan.

CBS - Campus in Society

Masterplan for Copenhagen Business School with the ambition to create one of the world’s best city campuses.

Dalum Paper Mill, Masterplan

Masterplan for the Dalum Paper Mill which transforms the historic industrial area into a new and diverse neighbourhood with close contact to both nature and Odense city.

Lunakvarteret (Luna district)

Development plan that transforms the Luna district into several open city blocks and improves the city centre of Södertälje.

NTNU Campus Trondheim

Transformation and development of the campus for, which strengthens research and communication by breaking down barriers between students, researchers and disciplines, as well as the relationship with business and the city.
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