- Civic Trust Award - Commendation. 2019
- Nominiert für den Mies van der Rohe Preis. 2019
- Architecture MasterPrize - Healthcare Architecture. 2018
- Building Better Healthcare Award, Best International Design. 2018
- ICONIC AWARDS; Innovative Architecture - Selection. 2018
- ISCN Sustainable Campus Excellence Award. 2018
- City of Copenhagen’s Architecture Award. 2018
- MIPIM Award - Best healthcare development. 2018
- Nominiert für Ibyen Prisen. 2018
- Sustainable Campus Excellence Award, Winner ‘Building and Innovative Infrastructure’. 2018
- The Chicago Athenaeum - International Architecture Award. 2018
- The Plan Award - Honorable Mention. 2018
- The Plan Award, Education – shortlisted. 2018
- Copper in Architecture. 2017
- Association for the Beautification of the Capital. 2017
- NAF Awards - shortlist. 2017
- Scandinavian Green Roof Award. 2017
- WAF Award - Higher Education & Research. 2017
- AfH Design Award - International Project, Highly commended. 2015
- 1. Preis im Internationalen Architekturwettbewerb. 2010