HAB Varbergparken housing estate renovation. C.F. Møller. Photo: Anders Sanderbo

HAB Varbergparken housing estate renovation

Varbergparken, a social housing area built in the period 1970-1980, is undergoing a metamorphosis. The transformation process introduces a new overall concept; refurbishing residential spaces, renewing energy systems and outdoor spaces, and creating new jobs.
 HAB Varbergparken housing estate renovation. C.F. Møller. Photo: Julian Weyer


HAB (Haderslev Andelsboligforening) (med støtte fra Landsbyggefonden)


Haderslev, Denmark


47,000 m2 buildings and 135,000 m2 grounds




Winning bid in tender. 2006


Hundsbæk og Henriksen A/S


C.F. Møller Architects


C.F. Møller Architects

  • Winning bid in tender. 2006

Varbergparken currently comprises 15 blocks with a total of 508 apartments, 24 bedsits, a café, laundry, assembly rooms and the offices of Haderslev Andels Boligforening (HAB).

Varbergparken is located in an area of natural beauty. The undulating landscape features large open grassed areas. The new overall concept for the area includes improvements to the green outdoor environment and future-proofing all the apartments in terms of their architecture and sustainability. Rather than replace the uniform design expression of one period with a contemporary version of the same, the focus of the project is to introduce variation and diversity to the area by applying different strategies to each stage in the conversion of the individual blocks.

Central block 15 is now transformed into an eco-friendly, low-energy class 1+ building with large glass partitions and elevated walkways. Three connected blocks have been refurbished with new, white façades and converted to house a centre for dementia patients, including 70 residential units and a service centre in attractive, new garden spaces, as well as a new municipal healthcare centre. The new activities have created 300 new jobs, thus meeting an important requirement in the community action plan for the area. Future refurbishments will include converting a number of blocks into free-standing housing with views in all directions, which will open new pathways through the landscape.

The new traffic layout, which is designed primarily to accommodate public transport services, cyclists and pedestrians, features a new and outstanding combined road and footbridge, clad with COR-TEN™ steel, which spans a natural gorge in the terrain. A central feature in Varbergparken is The Activity Park, where materials and installations of different kinds invite people to engage in physical activities at many different levels, depending on their age and physical adroitness.

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