Artcenter Spritten. C.F. Møller. Photo: Peter Sikker Rasmussen

Artcenter Spritten

C.F. Møller Architects is the developer’s adviser for the construction of Artcenter Spritten, which involves the transformation of a once industrial area into Aalborg's new arts centre.
 Artcenter Spritten. C.F. Møller. Photo: Peter Sikker Rasmussen


Ejendomsfonden ArtCenter Spritten


Aalborg, Denmark


3,200 m² (2.200 m² rebuild, 1.000 m² newbuild)



Client consultant

C.F. Møller Architects


Studio Tomás Saraceno

Collaborators, other

Realdania Aalborg Kommune

Ejendomsfonden Artcenter Spritten is the developer for the construction of the new arts centre Artcenter Spritten in the former distilleries in Aalborg. As the developer’s adviser, C.F. Møller is contributing towards creating a competition programme for construction and advising the developer and the competition jury on the selection of the winner.

Transformation into a vibrant urban district

Artcenter Spritten is housed in the listed buildings in the former distillery’s boiler halls and workshop building, and forms part of a major transformation into a new urban district with an emphasis on art and culture together with housing and industry. The transformation will be in close partnership between the municipality, cultural institutions and property developers. C.F. Møller Architects is helping Ejendomsforeningen Artcenter Spritten in the collaboration with the area's stakeholders with civic activities and negotiations with the project’s key players.

The ambition is for Artcenter Spritten to contribute to the development of a new cultural heritage, and not simply to preserve the existing one. This includes offering ‘raw’ and non-traditional exhibition spaces as a framework for the display of high-quality national and international installation art. Pursuant to this, C.F. Møller Architects has examined the listed buildings, to ensure that they would bear the weight of a new artwork entitled Cloud City by Tomás Saraceno.

C.F. Møller's advisory role has thus helped ensure that Ejendomscenter Artcenter Spritten will realise its vision of creating a new and unique art experience by transforming the old distillery in a manner whereby the industrial past creates a sound framework for a new cultural future in Aalborg.

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