C.F. Møller and EFFEKT win architectural competition for the new SIMAC - C.F. Møller. Photo: C.F. Møller Architects & EFFEKT

C.F. Møller and EFFEKT win architectural competition for the new SIMAC

The new SIMAC (Svendborg International Maritime Academy) will be the maritime educational institution of the future at the harbour in Svendborg. The open, flexible and modern learning institution is designed by C.F. Møller Architects and EFFEKT.
C.F. Møller and EFFEKT win architectural competition for the new SIMAC - C.F. Møller. Photo: C.F. Møller Architects & EFFEKT
C.F. Møller and EFFEKT win architectural competition for the new SIMAC - C.F. Møller. Photo: C.F. Møller Architects & EFFEKT

In 2022, the new buildings will be ready to educate future leaders for The Blue Denmark and a number of other innovative industries. In addition to the new SIMAC, the winning team has also prepared a masterplan for how a new district at the North Quay - with housing and businesses - can take shape. It includes a specific proposal for a reopening of Kobberbækken, which will provide new urban green areas and secure this part of Svendborg against any potential extreme rainfall in the future.

The architectural competition was carried out by the SMUC Foundation (Svendborg Maritime Education Centre Foundation), which was founded with the purpose of owning, developing and building the new SIMAC, as well as operating land and buildings in cooperation with SIMAC. Among other things, the project has been made possible thanks to a substantial donation of DKK 100 million from A.P. Møller and his wife Chastine Mc-Kinney Møller’s Foundation for Public Purposes.


The new SIMAC winning project signals openness, flexibility and room for ideas
The proposal from C.F. Møller Architects and EFFEKT was selected as the final winner of stage 2 of the architectural competition. The judging committee describes the winning proposal as a strong starting point for establishing the new educational building and for the municipality's further work on the development of the North Quay.


Chairman of the Board of the SMUC Foundation, Frederik Ejlers, says,

“In the judging committee, we decided that C.F. Møller Architects and EFFEKT has presented an exciting and well-organised educational institution that reflects SIMAC's focus and visions on openness and flexibility. The new SIMAC will act as a beacon on the North Quay, and the winning project's fine sense of scale provides transitions to the harbour's other large buildings and open spaces. In short: we think the new building testifies to a powerful and energetic institution with room for ideas and great inventiveness.”

Mayor Bo Hansen (S), Svendborg Municipality, says:
“The new SIMAC is part of The Blue Edge, which preserves and future-proofs the harbour in Svendborg. We are very pleased to have received a specific proposal for a masterplan for the area at North Quay, which provides space for both housing and workplaces. We will have nice access to the harbour. The structure and density of the new district resembles the old Svendborg. And the proposal for opening Kobberbækken will provide green connection paths and the necessary protection against extreme rainfall. The work of realising the visions in the masterplan is the responsibility of the municipality and will receive strong focus in the coming years.”


Director Jesper Bernhardt, SIMAC, says:
“We look forward to bringing ships, maritime experiments and the latest technology to the port. With the new framework, we can strengthen innovation and business development in the area. We can also meet the increasing demand for maritime education. The new SIMAC will be a very attractive place to learn, and we can strengthen our role as a maritime powerhouse that can attract and retain talent in Svendborg.”


A combination of modern educational buildings and focus on amenities for the city
The jury commends the winning team for their responsiveness and good co-operation skills in the competition phase. This is promising for further cooperation with the SMUC Foundation to realize the new SIMAC. And with Svendborg Municipality regarding the further development of the master plan for the North Quay.


Julian Weyer, Partner and Architect at C.F. Møller Architects says:
“We are very pleased that our proposal for the new SIMAC and the masterplan has been well received. The new SIMAC is a tribute to the port's distinctive architecture and maritime environment - a flexible and modern building, which through open, rough and robust surroundings lends itself to cooperation. The educational institution will become an integral part of the city and play alongside the new green and recreational urban environments along the harbour."


Sinus Lynge, Partner and Architect at EFFEKT, continues:
“The vision for the new SIMAC is to strengthen the connection between the city, the North Quay and the harbour as a whole. The building can become a landmark for the transformation of Svendborg Harbour and act as a catalyst for city life, education and new businesses at the harbour.”

Chairman of the Board Frederik Ejlers
Tel: + 45 4068 4101
Email: fe@bauherr.dk


Read more about the new SIMAC, the competition and the judge's report:


Link to press photo download:


Read more about Svendborg Municipality's plans for the harbour at:

SMUC Fonden
Graaesvej 27
5700 Svendborg
CVR number: 38439375



The new SIMAC and the masterplan for North Quay has been designed by C.F. Møller Architects and EFFEKT Architects with C.F. Møller Architects as Lead Consultant.

C.F. Møller Architects have great experience with the construction of school and teaching buildings as well as masterplans and urban space projects, among other projects in both Denmark and abroad.

EFFEKT has extensive experience in managing complex urban development projects and won the competition for the realisation of the "Harbour of the Future" - Svendborg Municipality's climate protection and urban development project for the entire Svendborg Harbour.


The building:
The new SIMAC will have a gross area of 12,500 m² and contain common areas (such as Campus Square and Open Learning Centre), teaching areas (in different sizes, two auditoriums, laboratories/workshops and simulator centres with virtual learning environments), rooms for administration and technical rooms.

Architectural competition and masterplan:
To ensure uniformity and coherence between the competition area and Svendborg Municipality's overall development plan "The Harbour of the Future - Development plan for Svendborg harbour” and between the new SIMAC and the environment, the architectural competition included several elements:

  • A detailed plan for a new knowledge and education institution; the new SIMAC at the harbour quay.
  • An outline project for a new maritime business park, as the closest neighbour to SIMAC.
  • A masterplan for a new district with housing, recreational areas and parking facilities at the North Quay.


Division of responsibilities:

  • The SMUC Foundation has completed and paid for the architectural competition for the entire North Quay.
  • Svendborg Municipality has overall responsibility for all government work and the further work on realising the masterplan for the area.
  • The SMUC Foundation is responsible for financing, developing and building the new SIMAC.
  • Svendborg Maritime Business Park P/S is responsible for financing, completing and building the maritime business park.


May 2018: The architectural competition is launched.
February 2019: The winner of the architectural competition is announced.
2019: Project planning, local plans and building permits and contract tenders.
2020-2022: Construction
2022: Expected inauguration


Project Description The New SIMAC
Project Description Master Plan
SMUC Fonden

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