Digitalisation of the construction industry is progressing at full speed, and there is a need to develop new digital coding systems for building elements within the construction sector. The initiative BIM Stockholm – a collaboration between eight architects' offices – has thus developed BIMTypeCode.
10th October sees the introduction of BIMTypeCode, a coding system designed to simplify the planning process and increase productivity within the construction sector.
Behind the method are eight of Sweden's foremost architects, who have jointly created the group BIM Stockholm. The development group comprises Arkitema Architects, AIX Architekter, Cedervall Architekter, C.F. Møller Architects, Liljewall arkitekter, LINK arkitektur, Nyréns Arkitektkontor and Tengbom.
Type-coding of building elements contributes to an industry-wide basis for communication by developing a uniform way of describing the various elements of a building. Through simple and systematic typification of building elements, the system responds to current digital needs in the construction sector.
The basis of the development project BIMTypeCode is the development and optimisation of BIM tools, methods and processes, and an emphasis on a common language for all actors. This contributes to a more qualitative and reliable approach to information management, as communication between actors within the construction process requires common terms and concepts.
BIMTypeCode is a simple and logical coding structure for building elements based on planning requirements, experience and best practice from both smaller and more complex BIM projects.
The method structures and creates the conditions for the development of quantifying lists, calculations and descriptions, and defines boundaries between different disciplines at building-element level. The codes are not language-bound, as they are based on a numerical system. Simple standardisation of the building elements of all disciplines is thus achieved. The type-coding does not correspond to a classical designation or classification system.
The inventory of the building elements that Swedish construction planners need, as well as the way they are referred to, is a result of the Smart Built Environment project ‘Typing as a complement to classification’, financed by Formas.
BIMTypeCode is a practical, applicable and free coding system that can easily be linked to other classification systems such as CoClass, BSAB and IFC. Thesystem can be used by the entire construction industry, and does not require any additional software. It is available in Swedish, Danish, English and German.
‘In Denmark, C.F. Møller Architects is involved in a similar collaboration with the group BIM7AA, which similarly benefits from the participation of several leading Danish architectural offices.
C.F. Møller will implement BIMTypeCode in all departments, so it will be the default approach in Stockholm, Oslo, Aarhus, Copenhagen, Aalborg and London.'
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