Honoured on World Architecture Day
C.F. Møller Architects wins award and commendation on World Architecture Day for Best New Building and Best Sustainable Building.
Both buildings are located in Horsens, Denmark, and honoured by the Horsens Municipality on World Architecture Day 2022 after a 2 ½ award break due to Covid-19.
Horsens Gymnasium was awarded in the category Best New Building and a new green Netto grocery store wins commendation in the category Best Sustainable Building.
Horsens Gymnasium is an expansion of the existing Horsens Gymnasium, and it is a modern learning facility, fully integrated with the city and the existing building. The award committee states:
”This is a prime example of how to design a site-specific building and show respect to, and analyse the existing buildings and the context. High class facilities create the best possible learning environment, where the old principal building is connected with the new buildings to create a new and unique campus atmosphere.”