Pre-qualified to solve flooding issues in Danish city
C.F. Møller Architects, together with a team of Danish and international specialists, has been prequalified to provide a proposal to solve flooding issues and climate-proof the harbour area in the Danish city Aalborg.
The water level in the Limfjord, which forms the waterfront in Aalborg, is rising. If the predictions hold true, there is a risk that large areas of Aalborg's western part will face a major challenge in the future. With support from Realdania and the Coastal Directorate, Aalborg Municipality has launched an architectural competition to develop a vision for how Aalborg Vestby can be protected against future sea level rise. C.F. Møller Architects (lead consultant) together with Deltares (NL), RAW Mobility (DK), Arki_lab (DK), EKJ Rådgivende Ingeniører (DK) have been prequalified to deliver a proposal that proofs the area against future sea level rise and storm surge while maintaining the recreational and leisure values with activities on and by the water and in the large green areas. In total, four teams have been prequalified.