Architect and partner at C.F. Møller Architects Mads Mandrup is awarded the Eckersberg Medal - C.F. Møller. Photo: Akademiraadet

Architect and partner at C.F. Møller Architects Mads Mandrup is awarded the Eckersberg Medal

Mads Mandrup is awarded the Eckersberg Medal by the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts for "his ability to lead long and complicated processes to results of high artistic quality".
Architect and partner at C.F. Møller Architects Mads Mandrup is awarded the Eckersberg Medal - C.F. Møller. Photo: Mew
Architect and partner at C.F. Møller Architects Mads Mandrup is awarded the Eckersberg Medal - C.F. Møller. Photo: Adam Mørk

Once a year, the The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts awards medals to architects and visual artists who have excelled in their field. Traditionally, the medals are presented at a ceremony at Charlottenborg Castle with the participation of H.M. The Queen. Due to Covid-19, the ceremony has been cancelled for the time being. The names of the medal recipients have instead been revealed on Thursday 8 October in a press release from the Academy, stating that Mads Mandrup, architect and partner at C.F. Møller Architects since 2008, receives the Eckersberg Medal.


Mads Mandrup is awarded for being "An architect who works artistically through steady leadership, by staying on course no matter what obstacles may arise", as it among other things is stated in the motivation from the Academy.


- It is a great honour to receive the Eckersberg Medal. Not least because it is an honour to be awarded by fellow colleagues at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, says Mads Mandrup, and elaborates

- It is an ongoing topic to discuss what quality in architecture is today, both nationally and internationally - especially the aesthetic quality, but also quality in relation to its ability to create a measurable social, environmental, and economic added value. I see the award as a strong push for good architecture that focuses on quality and that makes a difference for people which both pays off for the profession and our common surroundings.


The Danish Royal Academy of Fine Arts consists of architects and visual artists.


The Danish Royal Academy of Fine Arts

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